
MEV Social Mitigation Committee

Funding amount


Start date

December 2023


6 months


This grant will fund a group of contributors to participate in MEV mitigation efforts through a social slashing committee. In response to MEV concerns on v4, Reverie shared a proposal to launch a committee responsible for monitoring, analyzing, and reporting on MEV activity across active validators. The proposal received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the community, and pass the on-chain vote. The committee will consist of seven members responsible for: regular meetings to discuss and analyze MEV activity, submitting recommendations for retroactive responses as needed, sharing finding with the community, developing a framework for future responses to MEV.


MEV is among the biggest challenges facing the success of dYdX v4. Since no in-protocol solution is in place, this grant will hope to mitigate any malicious activity on behalf of the validator set. A social strategy consisting of qualified contributors may also be a long term solution for MEV.

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